430-450 MHz Antenna430-450 MHz. UHF ANTENNA

Model Number
  • HS6-43050 (6 dBd)
  • HD9-43050 (9 dBd)
    • Gain: 6 dBd, 9 dBd
    • Bandwidth: 20 MHz.
    • V.S.W.R.: 1.5:1
    • Polarization: Vertical
    • Power Rating: 400 Watts Maximum
    • Termination: Type N Female
    • Vertical Aperture (3 dB from max.)
      • 15 degrees (6 dBd)
      • 7 degrees (9 dBd)
    • Weight: 13.7 lb.
    • Wind Load (Lateral thrust @ 100 mph): 92 lb.
    • Wind Area (flat plate equivalent):  1.2 sq. ft.
    • Maximum Wind Speed: 130 mph
    • Material Feed Lines: Copper
    • Radiators: Copper
    • Color Radome: White Fiberglass
    • Mounting: Galvanized steel mounting clamps permit mounting the antenna to a support pipe up to 3.25" O.D.
    • Lightning Protection: Direct Ground

Radiation Pattern