All Models in the Amateur Base G Series

[Base Model G3-144]
Base Model G6-270R]
Base Model G7-144]
Base Model G6-144B]
Base Model G7-220]
Base Model G6-440]

In the past five years the worldwide land mobile market has discovered what knowledgeable amateurs have long known, that Hustler VHF verticals offer performance usually found in antennas costing $400 to $500.  For repeaters, packet or personal use, our antennas simple  overwhelm the competition.

Optimum  gain is achieved by stacking 5/8 wave radiators correctly phased in a collinear  configuration, resulting in an extremely low angle of radiation.  Fringe area coverage is enhanced by this design approach.

Manufactured from the finest materials available, our antennas are precision machined so that once assembled no further tuning is required.  Assembly time is 5-10 minutes.  These are top quality antennas, built to professional standards yet available at a moderate price.

Prepare to be surprised.  These antennas fulfill our goal to provide

"Reliability and Performance...  Beyond Your Expectations".